Project List

Union Port Bridge over Westchester Creek Bronx, NY

The Union Port Bridge project involved the rehabilitation of the bridge over Westchester Creek. The project had a total value of $1.6 million and required 14,000 cubic yards of cellular concrete. This project showcases the use of cellular concrete in bridge rehabilitation.

Dubuque Pipeline Replacement Elizabeth, IL

The Dubuque Pipeline Replacement project involved the use of cellular concrete for pipe abandonment and backfilling. The project had a total value of $500,000 and required 6,500 cubic yards of cellular concrete. This project highlights the effectiveness of cellular concrete in pipeline construction.

Circle Interchange Ramps Chicago, IL

The Circle Interchange Ramps project involved the rehabilitation of highway ramps using cellular concrete. The project had a total value of $880,000 and required 11,300 cubic yards of cellular concrete. This project demonstrates the use of cellular concrete in highway construction.

Merchants Bridge Main Spans & East Approach East St. Louis, IL

The Merchants Bridge project involved the rehabilitation of the bridge’s main spans and east approach using cellular concrete. The project had a total value of $1.8 million and required 36,000 cubic yards of cellular concrete. This project showcases the effectiveness of cellular concrete in bridge rehabilitation.

Canton Viaduct I8-95 over I-95 Ramps and Harbor Tunnel Baltimore, MD

The Canton Viaduct project involved the rehabilitation of the viaduct using cellular concrete. The project had a total value of $1.3 million and required 20,124 cubic yards of cellular concrete. This project showcases the use of cellular concrete in infrastructure rehabilitation.

Filling of Five Bridges Bronx, NY

The Filling of Five Bridges project involved the use of cellular concrete for void filling and backfilling. The project had a total value of $1.3 million and required 22,435 cubic yards of cellular concrete. This project highlights the effectiveness of cellular concrete in bridge rehabilitation.