Cellular Concrete pumping based out of Fresno, CA

Pipe Abandonment
Cellular concrete is used to fill and seal abandoned pipes, preventing collapse and ensuring structural integrity. This method is especially useful for abandoning long sections of pipe. The cellular concrete fill prevents future settlement and stability issues.
Annular Space Grouting
Cellular concrete is used to fill the gap between pipes and surrounding soil or structures, providing stability and preventing settling. The low pumping pressure and heat of hydration of cellular concrete make it an ideal material for this application. This helps prevent damage to adjacent structures.
Tunnel Grouting
Cellular concrete is used to fill voids and provide structural support in tunnel construction and rehabilitation projects. Its low viscosity and high flowability make it ideal for pumping long distances through small diameter pipes. This ensures a complete and consistent fill.
Lightweight Flowable Fill
Cellular concrete is used as a lightweight fill material for applications such as embankment fills, foundation fills, and other areas where weight is a concern. Its low density reduces the load on underlying soils, preventing settlement and stability issues. This makes it an ideal material for filling large voids.
Backfilling MSE Wall Panels
Cellular concrete is used as a backfill material for MSE (Mechanically Stabilized Earth) wall panels, providing a stable and durable fill. Its lightweight properties reduce the load on the wall panels, while its good drainage properties prevent water accumulation. This helps ensure the long-term stability of the MSE wall.
Void Filling and Backfilling
Cellular concrete is used to fill voids and provide backfill for various infrastructure projects, such as utility trenches, abandoned pools, abandoned mines, and sinkholes. Its high flowability and low viscosity make it ideal for filling complex geometries. This helps prevent future settlement and stability issues.

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is cellular concrete?
Cellular concrete is a lightweight concrete material made from a mixture of cement, water, and a pre-formed stable foam. This unique blend creates a cellular structure that reduces density and weight while maintaining strength and durability.
Is cellular concrete environmentally friendly?
Yes, cellular concrete is an environmentally friendly option as it minimizes waste and can be made with recycled materials.
What are the benefits of using cellular concrete?
Cellular concrete offers several benefits, including reduced weight, improved drainage, increased stability, and lower cost.
Can cellular concrete be pumped over long distances?
Yes, cellular concrete can be pumped over long distances using specialized equipment, making it ideal for large-scale infrastructure projects.
Do you offer technical support?
Yes, our team of experts is available to provide technical support, including mix design assistance, trial batch testing, application guidance, and ongoing project support.